Temperature measurement: Model 


We measure the surface temperature of the leather per zone and control the temperature precisely to apply exactly the amount of heat required for the optimal results.
Get in touch with us! We will find the optimal solution for you, too!

Temperature measurement: 


With the OPTI THERM temperature measuring device, the temperature of the leather is measured directly in each zone of the dryer and controlled according to a preselected value via the process automation system. This allows the dryer to be set precisely. It guarantees the best dryer values and ensures the best possible interaction of the chemicals released.
Measuring and regulating the leather temperature in each zone, instead of measuring the air temperature or temperature of the radiators, avoids putting energy into the leather unnecessarily and drastically reduces energy consumption.
 “Shrinkage” is also reduced if the leather is treated with less heat energy. 

Temperature measurement with OPTI THERM: Our speciality

Process automation: 

The YIELD COMMAND process automation system is used primarily for optimal guidance of the drying process. This saves a lot of energy and there is less shrinkage. In addition to pure temperature measurement, other features can be implemented for better operation and data archiving. The process data recorded can be stored either locally or on the web (Azure or AWS). 

In future, all GloboCord software versions will be equipped with an interface with our partner VISIDAT. In this way, the customer can see the current process data at any time and optimise and adjust the drying process as necessary. This means better profitability and energy savings of up to 50%. 

Zone display

We measure the temperature of the leather and not the temperature in the drying tunnel. The current measurements of the leather temperature in the individual zones are shown on the large display. 


Pyrometers are installed at the exit to each zone. The pyrometers are infrared temperature sensors that work without contact. They measure the infrared radiation emitted by the leather as it passes through and calculate the surface temperature on that basis. In order to keep the lens on the pyrometer clean, it is flushed with a constant air flow of 0.2 bar. This air flow keeps the lens free of dust particles, precipitation, dew and condensation.